
Local Organizations Get Soroptimist Grants

* Soroptimist International of Oxnard announced the recipients of its grant program, which doled out $14,750 to area nonprofit organizations and programs. The recipients: Boys & Girls Clubs of Oxnard and Port Hueneme; Camp Fire Boys and Girls; Carnegie Art Museum; Children’s Activity Center; City Impact; Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence; El Centrito; El Concilio; GATE Program; Gull Wings Children’s Museum; Interface; Oxnard College Reentry Center; Tres Condados Girls Scouts, and Ventura County Boys Scouts.

Cal Lutheran Professor, Student Win Awards

* Cal Lutheran University’s Student Life Committee announced the selection of the 2000 Professor of the Year and Senior of the Year honors. Charles Hall, an associate professor in the sociology department, was named Professor of the Year. Hall, an ordained minister, teaches courses in cultural conflict and change, sociology and religion, sexuality and society. Sara Larcombe, a communications major, was selected by classmates as Student of the Year. She was recognized for her involvement in campus activities, which include student government, peer advising and residence hall leadership.


Awards and Honors is compiled by Rodney Bosch. Please address items to Awards and Honors, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001. Items can also be faxed to The Times at 653-7576 or 653-7548.
