
Fish Stories

Regarding “Hooked on Fishing Alaska” (July 9): Your reference to the sculpin as a “trash fish” is inaccurate. It is a “target” species on sport boats throughout Southern California. Sculpin are delicious and sell for over $8 per pound uncleaned. However, they probably are considered a “trash fish” in Alaska when you consider that the target species run up to 300 pounds. Further adding to the sculpins’ negative reputation are their poisonous spines, which can inflict a painful sting.


Garden Grove

I have fished Alaska nine of the last 12 years. I must tell you that author Susan Spano had a poor fishing experience. Her 2 1/2-day catch is what my brother-in-law and I would bag in one day. We would typically bring home about 200 to 300 pounds of filets each.


Los Angeles
