
‘Filegate’ Figure Lied, Report Reveals

From Times Wire Reports

The key figure in the FBI files controversy admitted lying to Congress and to a federal grand jury, but a final report revealed that he could not be prosecuted because he was granted immunity by independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr. A special federal appeals court issued the final report on the activities of Anthony Marceca, an Army aide at the White House, who collected hundreds of FBI background files in 1993 and 1994 based on an outdated Secret Service list. Many of the files were those of ex-White House pass-holders from the Ronald Reagan and George Bush eras. In his immunized testimony, Marceca admitted that, while gathering FBI files, he realized that he was collecting data on some people who were no longer at the White House and didn’t have passes anymore. Marceca told Congress and a grand jury the opposite--that it didn’t occur to him that some people on the Secret Service list were no longer pass-holders, according to the final independent counsel report.
