
Clinton Granted Delay in Law License Case

From Associated Press

A judge on Friday gave President Clinton an extra four weeks to answer a state disciplinary panel’s request that he lose his Arkansas law license.

Clinton’s lawyers now have until Aug. 29 to answer the state’s complaint that the president gave misleading testimony during the Paula Corbin Jones sexual harassment case and is not fit to be a lawyer.

The president’s response had been due next Tuesday. The state’s prosecutor said she did not object to the delay, so long as the proceedings can be wrapped up by the end of the year, when the judge hearing the case leaves office.


In court papers filed Tuesday, Clinton said his presidential duties prevented him from preparing a response to a complaint filed by the state Supreme Court’s Committee on Professional Conduct.

Clinton shepherded Middle East peace talks at Camp David, Md., for much of the last three weeks and also traveled to Japan for a meeting of world leaders.

The conduct committee sued Clinton on June 30, saying the president should be disbarred for lying under oath about his relationship with former White House intern Monica S. Lewinsky.


Complaints from the conservative Southeastern Legal Foundation of Atlanta and the federal judge in the Jones case led to the recommendation. The judge found Clinton in contempt of court and referred the case to the conduct committee.
