
Dual Citizenship

In “Fox’s Tunnel Vision of U.S. Mexicans” (Opinion, July 16), David R. Ayon writes: “If the president-elect understood that Mexican children are jamming into classrooms across the U.S., he might realize that it would be more helpful for their parents to become American citizens and voters rather than retain their franchise for Mexican elections.”

To dot the “i,” Ayon should have mentioned the benefits of dual citizenship, which makes it legal for one to become a U.S. citizen without denouncing his or her original, in this case Mexican, citizenship.

The bigger the number of such “dual citizenship” voters, the more sensitive the American government will be to the needs of Mexico and its citizens. This may even spell out, eventually, an end to the tradition of putting American national interests first. I am sure that such a turn in American policy would greatly help Vicente Fox with his ambitious plan for improvement of the lives of all Mexicans. The only question is, what’s in it for us Americans?



Redondo Beach
