
TV Slides Into the Gutter (With Bryant Gumbel’s Mouth)

Greg Crosby is a humor writer, essayist and former executive in the entertainment industry. He lives in Sherman Oaks

Bryant Gumbel has finally shown the world what a high-class, charming gentleman he truly is. Gumbel was seen on-camera, in front of millions of viewers, clearly mouthing the words, “What a [expletive] idiot!” in apparent reference to a guest he had just interviewed on his CBS morning show. The interview had concluded and Gumbel thought the camera was turned off him; it was not.

Once upon a time, a television personality would have completely destroyed his career by uttering such a remark over the air, but times have changed. Has Gumbel been reprimanded by his network? Have sponsors jumped ship? I don’t think so. Will viewers protest? Not enough to make any difference, I’m afraid. The fact is, people who watch and enjoy Gumbel will probably make excuses for him and even defend his right to say what he said.

I can hear the Gumbel fans now: “Hey, I saw Bryant interview that dude, and you know what? He was a [expletive] idiot! Right on, Bryant!” “I think Bryant has every right to express his opinion--after all, this is a free country.” “I don’t think it’s his fault. . . . Bryant didn’t know he was still on the air when he said that. If anything, it’s the fault of the director of the show.”


Has Gumbel apologized to the guest for his foulmouthed remark? Not yet--and it’s been more than three weeks now. Judging by everything I’ve ever read or heard about him, he probably never will--at least not without a gun to his head. It would take a lot of pressure from the network, sponsors and viewers to make that happen, and I wouldn’t hold my breath. Our society has become desensitized to pompous, no-class, garbage-mouthed jerks. Having been exposed to them on a daily basis in sports, movies and on television for years, America is now numb.

In another time, a bum like Gumbel would have been thrown off television for good. He would have been lucky to find work at some small Midwestern radio station doing farm reports. But this is not another time. This is America 2000. And television today is not your father’s television.

Gone are the Art Linkletters and Ralph Edwardses of yesterday, replaced by the likes of Howard Stern and Jerry Springer. John Cameron Swayze and Edward R. Murrow have morphed into things called Geraldo Rivera and Stone Phillips. The spontaneous creativity of Steve Allen has been superseded by the “how low can you go?” brand of humor of Conan O’Brien. The sweet femininity of Dinah Shore is gone, and in its place we have the brassy toughness of Rosie O’Donnell. And so it goes.


It’s not that I’m necessarily nostalgic for the television shows of 40 years ago. I realize there is a time and a place for everything and everyone. Life is constant change, and television reflects that. I only wish that in TV’s rush to embrace the new and different, they would take better care not to throw away the civil and decent aspects of what came before.

Yes, change is a necessary part of growth, but there are some things worth holding on to as we move ahead. Let’s not lose common courtesy and respect for others. Let’s try to hang on to good manners and good taste, ethics, quality standards and principles. Do we really want to rid ourselves of these things in the name of change?

I wish I could feel optimistic about the future of television, but I’m afraid I can’t. The beast is sliding much too fast down the slippery slope to stop now. Happily, the Bryant Gumbel comment will soon be forgotten--forever lost in the sea of profane image and noise that has become American television. But if you think it can’t get any worse--well, folks, just stay tuned.
