
Waste Disposal at Santa Susana

Thank you for a well-written article on a complex subject (“Widespread Use of Radioactive Scrap Assailed,” June 12). However, I would appreciate an opportunity to clarify the context of one of my quotes. The article states, “Kelly was also critical of the pending shipment of contaminated soil to a landfill not licensed to receive radioactive materials ‘You look at the [radiological readings], and you question why they chose this path,’ he said.”

While the quote is accurate, the implication is not. I was questioning the justification used by the Department of Health Services (DHS) to determine that the waste was not radioactive, not the safety of placing the soil in the hazardous waste landfill. Actually, I see little risk in this disposal option, given the low levels of radioactivity.

DHS justified the shipment by explaining that the radioactivity in the soil was consistent with natural levels of radioactivity. As the agencies involved with this site have discovered, these comparisons are difficult and contentious.



U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency Project Manager

Boeing Santa Susana Field Lab
