
Things to do this weekend with your money

With Congress looking to raise the maximum contributions to individual retirement accounts and 401(k)s, it’s a good time to do a general checkup of your retirement savings accounts.

* Today: If you aren’t sure whether your employer offers a regular pension, or you aren’t sure what kind of benefits your company pension plan would provide, check with your human resources department on the details. Remember to include in pension calculations any benefits owed you by previous employers as well. You should also request a “personal benefits estimate” from the Social Security Administration about once a year to make sure your contributions are being properly credited. Call (800) 772-1213 or visit the Social Security Web site at

* Saturday: Volatile financial markets may have knocked some retirement investment plans for a loop. To see whether your assets are on track to meet your retirement goals, use the free retirement planning advisor at Financial Engines also offers asset allocation advice for a fee.


* Sunday: If you aren’t saving enough to meet your goals, consider your options: saving more, working longer or living on less in retirement. If you want to save more, review your family budget for ways to do so. For more information on retirement planning, visit
