
Comet Linear May Be Seen With Binoculars or Telescope

Comet 1999 S4, commonly known as Comet Linear, will be passing through the Earth’s skies for the next few days, but will probably be visible only with binoculars or telescopes, according to astronomers. Some had originally predicted that it would be visible to the naked eye, but the comet is not brightening as expected. It will be at its maximum brightness from today through Tuesday. Today, the comet can be found 5 degrees east of Omicron Ursae Majoris, the tip of the Great Bear’s snout, and might be glimpsed with the unaided eye if the sky is very dark. For the following few days, it will be passing between the bear’s legs. For detailed instructions on finding the comet, check out


--Compiled by Times medical writer Thomas H. Maugh II
