
Rockin’ Bowlers

Classic bowling takes on a youthful spin with loud music, darkened alleys and disco lights on “rock ‘n’ bowl” nights. But does Eminem mix with AMF? Calendar Live visits late-night bowling alleys across the Southland to find out if these evenings are scoring strikes or gutter balls.

Strings Attached

The art of puppetry will be honored during Puppetmania 2000 today through Sunday at Cal State L.A. Calendar Live provides information on performances by such top puppeteers as “Men in Black’s” Tony Urbano, film screenings, workshops and galleries.

72 Hours

See what happens Friday when ninjas meet musical theater at the Secret Rose, or immerse yourself in music, art, fashion and technology at the Lab on Saturday. Read more about these and other events in the 72 Hours section of Calendar Live.


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