
Black Voters and the Candidates

* Re “Bush: Good Words, Now Action,” editorial, July 11:

Let’s look at George W. Bush’s decision to address the NAACP convention for what it really is. Bush is not going to receive a significant number of votes from black voters and he knows it. His NAACP appearance is, however, an attempt to attract moderate white voters by making him appear to be compassionate and inclusive. It is a tactic that worked very well for Bill Clinton. The difference is that Bush is trying to sell a party that has shown indifference toward black voters.

It is unfortunate that the only choice that black voters have is to vote Democratic or stay home. Many times this choice represents only the lesser of two evils. It is also unfortunate that the party of Lincoln is now the party of Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond, Trent Lott and Bob Barr. Even if Bush is sincere when he says that he is a compassionate conservative, the fact that the aforementioned men dominate his party’s ideology will continue to send black voters in another direction.




* Al Gore says to the NAACP “I will show thee my faith by my works” (July 13). Democrats have had the black vote for 40 years and what have they done with it? Are American African homes safer? Have American African households been left behind in our current prosperity? Are American African affirmative action programs helping or hurting?


After 40 years of socialist solutions to the plight of American Africans, I think that they should try freedom and liberty instead. American Africans can’t lose with Libertarian solutions. Choose your own destiny instead of asking politicians to hand it to you (after taking it from all taxpayers).


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