
Cells for Rent

* Re “An Inmate’s Guide to Four-Star Jail Cells,” July 9:

The legal system in this country is supposed to be based on equal justice; however, if you can pay off the system you can walk or get preferential treatment. Where does that leave the poor?

It has always amazed me that a person’s basic rights cannot be protected in jail, of all places. Locked down and surrounded by armed guards, people are beaten, raped and victimized, and the system can’t seem to control that. Now, if you can afford to pay, they can take better care of you. To top it off you have brilliant statements from officials like Cmdr. Mary Schander saying that the rates are reasonable and anyone can afford them.

Our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves. Has anyone stopped to consider the potential abuse of a setup like this? Our legal system, from judges to district attorneys down to police and jails, is severely broken. For God’s sake, will somebody in this “great government” of ours grow a spine and do something?



South Pasadena
