
Church Plans Picnic and Concert

* Emmanuel Presbyterian Church in Thousand Oaks is sponsoring a picnic and concert from 5:30 to 9 p.m. today on the church lawn.

Wessex Big Band, an 18-member Glenn Miller-style band from England that plays swing music from the 1940s and 1950s, will perform.

The public is invited to the free event. Participants should bring their own picnic meals along with blankets or chairs.


The church is at 588 Camino Manzanas Road. For information, call 498-4502.

Ministers From Kenya to Speak

* Monte Vista Presbyterian Church in Newbury Park will feature five ministers from Kenya who will share messages of faith during services at 8:30 and 10 a.m. Sunday.

The Rev. Mwangi Muchemi, a Presbyterian minister; the Rev. Charles Kibicho Kariuki, deputy general secretary of the Presbyterian church in East Africa; the Rev. John Juma Onyango, a Pentecostal minister; the Rev. Peter Njoroge Kariuki, a Presbyterian minister serving as a high school chaplain in Nairobi, and James Wakaba Kimani, a minister, will teach about the growing Christian church in East Africa.

‘Growing Young’ Topic of Sermon

* Unity Center Church in Thousand Oaks will have a service at 10 a.m. Sunday with a message from the Rev. Irma Oestmann on “Growing Young.” Pianist Peter Shea will perform.


The church meets at Old Meadows Park community room at 1600 Marview Road. For information, call 496-6901.

Series Examines ‘Power of God’

* St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church in Newbury Park will have worship services at 8:30 and 10 a.m. Sunday, with the Rev. Lynne Austin continuing her summer series “The Power of God.” She will focus on “The Power to Endure” using II Samuel 8:12-15 and Mark 8:21-26.

Worship is relaxed and interactive, with child care and children’s classes during the second service.


The church is at 1360 S. Wendy Drive. For information, call 498-6910.

Korean Children’s Choir to Sing

* The Korean Children’s Choir will perform at Simi Valley United Methodist Church at 10 a.m. Sunday.

The 40-member choir of elementary-age children will sing Korean-language Christian music.

The church is at 2394 Erringer Road. For information, call 526-6231.

Fellowship Hosts Guest Speaker

* Theadora Davitt-Cornyn, district representative of Unitarian Universalist Assn., will speak at a Conejo Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship service at 10 a.m. Sunday.

The topic, “Our UU Service Committee,” traces how the organization helped refugees escape the Holocaust to how it became an international service organization. The Rev. Betty Stapleford, minister of the local fellowship, will speak at 10 a.m. July 23 on “Healing and Wholeness.” She will discuss ways to honor diversity of opinion as adults in a religious community.

The fellowship meets at the Goebel Senior Adult Center, 1385 E. Janss Road, in Thousand Oaks. For information, call 492-8751.

Mass Schedule at St. Anthony’s

* St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Oxnard will celebrate evening Mass at 5:15 p.m. today and have confessions from 3:30 to 5 p.m. and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Sunday Mass will be celebrated at 7:30, 9 and 10:30 a.m. in English and Spanish-language Mass will be at noon and 1:30 p.m.


The church is at 2511 South C St. For information, call 486-7301.

Oxnard Church Offers Bible School

* Oxnard Church of the Nazarene will hold vacation Bible school for children ages 3 to 12 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. July 24 through 28. Participants will create crafts, have snacks, listen to Bible stories and play games. There is no charge and no registration deadline.

The church is at 1630 Saviers Road. For information., call 483-7046.

First Presbyterian to Hold Service

* First Presbyterian Church of Oxnard will hold a worship service at 10 a.m. Sunday. Pastor James K. Bain Jr. will deliver the sermon.

There will be Sunday school for youth during the service. Adult Sunday school will begin at 9 a.m. Child care is available at all services. The church is at 850 Ivywood Drive. For information, call 983-0204.

Fellowship Offers Worship

* Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Thousand Oaks will have its Sunday worship celebration at 10:05 a.m.

A nursery and Sunday school classes are provided, while those who are high school or college age will remain for the regular service.

The church has music, teaching and a casual atmosphere. The fellowship is at 480 W. Gainesborough Road. For information, call 379-0237.


Vineyard Fellowship Plans Services

* Channel Islands Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Oxnard has services with contemporary music and casual dress at 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday.

The church is at 1851 Holser Walk, Suite 200. For information, call 485-0050.

Interfaith Fellowship to Meet

* Interfaith Fellowship meets in the ballroom of Thousand Oaks Inn in Thousand Oaks at 10 a.m. Sunday.

The inn is at 75 W. Thousand Oaks Blvd. For information, call 379-9336.

Unity Church Plans Park Event

* Unity Church in Ventura will have “Sunday in the Park” from 8 to 9 a.m. July 30 with singing and prayer.

The event will be at Peninsula Park, 3333 Peninsula Road. For information, call 658-1059.

Weekday prayers are at noon. Healing mediations are from 7 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Metaphysical Bible study class is from 9 to 9:45 a.m. Sundays. These meetings are held at the church, 2065 Sperry Ave., Unit G.

Temple Presents Shabbat Services

* Shabbat services are held at 8 p.m. Fridays and 10 a.m. Saturdays each week at the Temple Beth Torah in Ventura.

The temple is at 7620 Foothill Road. For information, call 647-4181.

Temple to Hold Obon Festival

* The 45th annual Obon Festival will be held by the Oxnard Buddhist Temple today from 1 to 9 p.m.


Obon is considered a time for rejoicing for all Buddhists--a time to remember the love of parents, forefathers and to show gratitude to the living and the dead.

The Obon legend involves a disciple of Buddha, who sought help for his suffering mother. Buddha told him to make an offering of food to his fellow monks, whose combined spiritual power was needed to save her. Once she recovered, the disciples clapped their hands and danced with joy, in what is considered the first Obon dance.

The public is invited to come in traditional Asian dress--kimonos, yukata or a happi coat--and enjoy Oriental foods, such as teriyaki chicken and beef, sushi, and American and Japanese pastries.

Exhibits will include ceramics and water color paintings.

Obon dancing will begin at 6 p.m. The Oxnard Togen Daiko, a Japanese drum group, will perform at 1 p.m. There will be other live entertainment throughout the day and games with prizes for children.

Though the entertainment and exhibits are free, there will be a charge for the food and games of skill.

The temple is at 250 South H St. For information, call 493-5948.

Children to Receive Bible Lessons

* First Christian Church of Ventura will have its vacation Bible school from 9 a.m. to noon July 31 through Aug. 4. The theme is “Road Rally 2000--On the Road with Jesus.” The school is for children age 3 to those in fifth grade.


There will be music, crafts and Bible lessons. The $15 fee will include a T-shirt and visor.

The church is at 38 Teloma Drive. For information, call 642-4146.

Temple Offers Programs for Youths

* Registration is being accepted for fall after-school programs at Temple Ner Ami in Camarillo. The school provides students with a comprehensive and positive Jewish experience that enhances Jewish identity while focusing on Jewish culture, history, ethics and Hebrew language, art, cooking, music and dance. Bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah preparation and confirmation are also available.

The temple is at 4098 Calle Tesoro No. D. For information, call 388-3824.

Lutheran Vocations Examined

* Young people who belong to Region II of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America can explore a variety of church vocations at the ninth annual Invitation to Service at Cal Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks on Aug. 3-5.

Young people from high school to college age will learn about the roles of pastors, missionaries, associates in ministry, diaconal ministers, music ministers and youth ministers during the event, which will feature special music, small group interaction, recreation, devotionals and Bible study.

The cost for the program is $105. For information, call Linda LeBlanc at 493-3936.

Vacation Bible School Offered

* St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church in Newbury Park is turning its church into a clubhouse for kids and is welcoming all children to attend its vacation Bible school.

Registrations are being accepted for children ages 3 to grade six to attend Bible school from 9 a.m. to noon Aug. 7 through 11. There is a $5 fee. Lessons will focus on stories about God’s work done by children.


The church is at 1360 S. Wendy Drive. For information, call 498-6910.


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