
Fuentes Appointed to South O.C. Community College Board


Thomas A. Fuentes, chairman of the county Republican Party for the past 15 years, was appointed Wednesday to fill the vacant trustee seat on the South Orange County Community College District.

The board voted 4 to 0 to appoint Fuentes, with Trustees David Lang and Marcia Milchiker abstaining. Student Trustee Jason Wamhoff, who has an advisory vote, also supported the GOP chief.

Fuentes said he expected to run for election to the seat in November, which would be his first attempt at public office.


Asked whether his appointment was the start of a career as a candidate, Fuentes replied, “Who knows? Two weeks ago today I had no idea I’d be sitting here talking to you today as a new trustee.”

Fuentes, from Lake Forest, fills the seat Steven J. Frogue vacated last month after 7 1/2 years on the board. Frogue, who was accused of being an anti-Semite, beat back two recall attempts.

The other two candidates for the vacancy were William P. Wachal of Mission Viejo, a businessman, and Joe F. Greco of Portola Hills, an assistant professor of international finance at Cal State Fullerton.


Fuentes’ hard-line conservative tenure as head of the Republican Party has sometimes been controversial, and moderates within the party have challenged his leadership several times.

He said he would wait to see whether George W. Bush wins Orange County in this fall’s presidential election before deciding whether to run again to head the county Republicans.

Fuentes said that as a college board member he would encourage more Internet and interactive television classes.
