
Hacker Mitnick OK’d for Some Computer Work

From Associated Press

A notorious computer hacker who led the FBI on a three-year manhunt while allegedly causing millions of dollars in damage to technology companies now has federal permission to pursue work as a computer consultant or online writer.

It’s a “180-degree change” in the restrictions previously enforced by Kevin Mitnick’s probation officer, Mitnick attorney Donald Randolph said Wednesday.

Under his 1995 plea agreement, Mitnick had been barred from any contact with computers or any other technology capable of online access.


After his release from prison in January, his probation officer also barred him from speaking publicly or writing about technology-related issues and from taking any job that might give him access to a computer.

Mitnick, 36, challenged the limitations, and a federal judge last month ruled such blanket decisions were unacceptable without consideration of the specific offers.

His federal probation officer said this week that he could pursue some computer-related work: writing for Steven Brill’s online magazine Contentville, speaking in Los Angeles on computer security, consulting on computer security and consulting for a computer-related television show.
