
Warning Issued After 2 Gypsy Moths Found

Officials in the Ventura County Agricultural Office have found two adult male gypsy moths in traps set in Meiners Oaks and are urging residents there to be on watch for the pests.

Gypsy moths feed on several species of forest, woodland and landscape trees and destroy millions of acres of forests each year nationwide, mostly in the New England states.

Female moths lay eggs during the summer on various objects--outdoor furniture, automobiles, campers--that then serve as vehicles for the pests to move from state to state.


Officials stress the importance of early detection of destructive pests, which is why they monitor 3,000 fruit fly traps, and 1,000 traps for Japanese beetles and gypsy moths countywide.

Residents who notice extensive defoliation of trees, blue- and red-dotted caterpillars feeding on leaves and branches, or egg masses on tree trunks should call the county agricultural commissioner at 933-3165 or 647-5931.
