
Oceano Dunes

Re “A Line in the Sand,” July 2: Environmentalists want to close down five of the last remaining six miles of coastal land open to motorized-vehicle use, regardless of whether they have been used for this purpose for almost 100 years. This area is now a state-run off-highway-vehicle park specifically set up for this type of activity.

As for ruining the beach for other recreational users, I would offer these same people the opportunity to use the rest of the 1,200 miles of coastline that are off limits to OHV use. It is very apparent that any amount of OHV use in this area is unacceptable to these groups. Why? Because it is in their long-term plan to eliminate all OHV use. Speaking for one family that enjoys the time together that OHV-ing can provide, this small area of land should remain open for this type of use.


