
In Defense of Williamson’s Philosophy

I found the article on Oprah Winfrey (“Flocking to the Church of Oprah,” June 25) both interesting and informative--an easy and compelling read. However, I take strong exception to the writer’s assertion that “so much of the human-potential movement has used the promise of economic prosperity as bait. That has been integral to the presentation of Tony Robbins, Marianne Williamson and Terry Cole-Whittaker.” While I have no personal knowledge of the philosophies of Robbins or Cole-Whittaker, I have known Marianne Williamson and studied the “Course in Miracles” with her for over 15 years.

Equating money with happiness is not what she teaches, as I’m sure Oprah, who has had Marianne as a guest on her program numerous times, would agree. It is unfortunate that an otherwise positive story was marred by this and Williamson’s message distorted.


