
Man, 19, Drowns in Castaic Lake Lagoon

A 19-year-old man drowned in a swimming lake Wednesday afternoon, despite the efforts of lifeguards to save him, authorities said.

The drowning, which authorities said appeared to have been an accident, occurred at 2:30 p.m. in the lower lagoon at Castaic Lake State Recreation Area, a popular spot for swimming and sailing.

Other swimmers saw the man go under in about six feet of water and alerted lifeguards, who pulled the man out and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation until paramedics arrived, authorities said.


The victim, a Palms resident, was taken to Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Authorities declined to identify the man Wednesday night because family members had not yet been notified.

Castaic Lake has been the site of at least three drownings since 1997.

Two years ago a 3-year-old boy drowned after wandering from a family picnic, and in 1998 a man died while trying to retrieve a life jacket floating offshore. Both deaths occurred in areas off-limits to swimmers.
