
Genome Ethics

Re the June 26 commentary by Craig Venter and Daniel Cohen suggesting the creation of a world parliament with a view to establishing universal ethical criteria for the potential applications of human genome research: International consultations on these issues have already taken place. Over several years, UNESCO, the United Nations agency in charge of science, has developed a global forum and ethical criteria for genetic research.

This led to the unanimous adoption of the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights by UNESCO’s general conference in 1997. The declaration was endorsed by the U.N. General Assembly one year later.

The International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO, created in 1993, already provides a global forum for reflection on the ethical and legal issues raised by research in biology and genetics and is responsible for following up on the declaration. The Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee, composed of 36 countries, provides guidance as to necessary legislative action at the international level.



Public Information, UNESCO

