
Chickens on the Freeway

Marie Pooler’s cutesy narrative “Freeway Chickens a Lesson in Pluck” (Oct. 18) makes me rather nervous. Whizzing along daily at 55-plus m.p.h., Ms. Pooler had better keep her eyes and mind on the road and save chicken watching for a leisurely stroll in the country.

When she writes “From then on I paid scant attention to my driving and full attention to the green slope, watching for those chickens,” I cringe to imagine birdbrains of all species braking at any peripheral “green slope” in high hopes of spotting a chicken.

Please, Ms. Pooler, for my sake and other freeway chickens with a driver’s license, pay attention to the serious business of driving. Freeway gawking at chickens (the feathered variety) or other convenient distractions is, I believe, a fowl habit that should not be propagated among the driving populace.


My only hope is that not everyone shares this pronounced absorption with “poulet.”


