

So, an outspoken bunch of neo-feminists claim that “Fatal Attraction” is degrading to women. Yeah, right. And I’m the President of the United States.

What the heck is with these people? “Fatal Attraction” is a psychological thriller about a crazy person who happens to be female. Drew Casper shrilly complains that the woman is “hideous” and “Medusa-like.” Absolutely! The point of the flick is that the woman is a monster-- not that the monster is a woman.

I suppose that we men should now make a stand against such anti-male films as “Star Wars,” which shamelessly personifies evil in the (obviously male) character of Darth Vader. Or for that matter, how about if we boycott all Westerns? After all, how often do we see women holding up stagecoaches? And what about “Ghostbusters”? Mr. Stay-Puft is clearly intended as an attack on men, sailors, confectioners and cartoon characters.

If these self-proclaimed champions of the feminist cause would get off their soapboxes and listen to their own whining, maybe they’d realize how idiotic they sound.

“Fatal Attraction” degrading to women? Give me a break.


