

Lotsa press lately about Bill Cosby’s “Leonard: Part 6”--the upcoming movie that may have cost Columbia honcho David Puttnam his job. So we slipped into a Columbia screening room and saw a rough cut of what is as surreal as mainstream movies gets.

Cos is a retired government agent pressed back into service, but the pic is less “I Spy” than a slapstick version of a psychedelic ‘60s “trip” movie, with flashy colors, supernatural plot elements and Fellini villains.

See, a secret clan of psychotic vegetarians have invented a drug that will allow them to control the minds of the world’s animals. Look out for murderous frogs, lobsters, sheep and bunnies. . . .

One strange scene: Cos dances in ballet slippers while fighting off a horde of zombies dressed in bird costumes. The strangest bad guy: a bald vegetarian whose head explodes when Cos sticks a hot dog in his meat-ridden mouth.


Cos alters his G-rated image with such elements as a bickering wife who pays him back for an affair by dumping her dinner all over his head. And a daughter who shocks Mom and Dad by taking up with a much older man and disrobing during a theater production.
