
South Laguna : Deukmejian Names Superior Court Judge

Richard O. Frazee Sr. of South Laguna was named a judge of Orange County Superior Court on Tuesday by Gov. George Deukmejian.

Frazee, 49, has maintained a general civil law practice in Orange County since 1970. He replaces Judge Robert H. Green, who has retired.

Frazee lives in South Laguna with his wife of 30 years, Elaine. They have two children, Jill Suzanne and Richard Jr., both college students.


A 1961 UCLA graduate, Frazee earned a law degree from Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco. He served two years in the Army.

He is a charter member and immediate past president the Rotary Club of South Laguna Niguel.

Frazee described himself as “always active in the Republican Party.” He said he has wanted to be a judge since the early 1970s.


Frazee said he expects to be sworn in to the $81,505-per-year judgeship within four weeks.
