
Countywide : Elementary Pupils Test Better Than Average

As in past years, county public elementary schools did better this year than the statewide average in the annual California Assessment Program testing.

In the latest round of testing, the state average for third-grade reading was 282, while the county average was 308; in third-grade written expression, the state average was 287, the county 315. The state average in third-grade math was 285; it was 317 in the county.

In sixth-grade CAP scores, the averages were: reading, 260 state/286 county; written expression, 271 state/296 county; math 268 state, 297 county.


The state annually tests students in the third, sixth, eighth and 12th grades. The 12th-grade results are released in the spring and the elementary grade results in the fall.

Officials in the state Department of Education in Sacramento, which administers the testing, said results for eighth grades are being delayed because of scoring errors.
