
Are You the One For Me? How...

Are You the One For Me? How To Choose the Right Partner by John James and Ibis Schlesinger (Addison-Wesley: paperback, $8.95)

At first, “Are You the One For Me?” seems sadly anachronistic. After all, as the alarming statistics inform us, women have diminished chances of marrying or even forming a satisfying relationship, particularly as they crest their 30th year.

But people aren’t statistics, and the authors, in yesteryear’s ladies’-magazine prose, believe dreaming of a perfect partnership will make it so. They suggest positive mind-sets, offer fill-in charts and diagram typical “dreams” appropriate to various age groups.


Therefore, in her 20s, a woman’s dreams and hopes coincide with her male partner’s. If reality doesn’t seem to bear out the authors’ theories, they still offer lots of sensible advice and, most of all, bushels of hope.
