
Senate Judiciary Committee Votes No on Judge Bork

“I tried to push Judge Bork’s right-wing ideology down America’s throat but people seem to be a lot smarter than they were seven years ago.” Wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear Reagan say something like that instead of the righteous “indignant and angry” posture he is trying to project. Why can’t Reagan come to terms with the reality that Americans are not stupid, that they are tired of being patronized by his patriotic hype. In opposing Bork, people are simply refusing to be dragged back to our dark period of civil rights discrimination, union-busting, back-alley abortions and the put-down of women.

The so-called “Reagan Revolution” has failed. It faltered when his right-wing backers forgot to hand him a script and instead he tried to ad lib an Iran-hostage policy. Lincoln said it first: “You can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”


Culver City
