

Please tell me that Nancy Webber and Lowell Alexander were writing a parody of Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” with their article “ ‘Fatal Attraction’--The Mad Woman’s Case”?

If, in fact, their proposal was meant seriously, I would have to label it the biggest load of feminist drivel ever to see print in the Calendar section, if not the entire L.A. Times.

The authors leveled strong criticism at Michael Douglas’ character for committing adultery. Isn’t it true that it takes at least two people to commit adultery? How did the character of Alex get off scot-free?


Two adults commit adultery. One of them flips out (for whatever reason) and terrorizes the other and the other’s family. If it had been Alex as the happily married one and Dan the terrorizer, how would Webber and Lowell have seen his actions?

I guess certain feminists can both have their cake and eat it too--even if they find it demeaning to bake it.


Mar Vista
