

The Los Angeles Police Department is considering financing a full-time horse patrol. A volunteer squad of 45 officers, who ride their own horses, was used for crowd control 134 times last year and is expected to be called out nearly 200 times this year. Here is how other police horses patrols around the country compare.

No. of Mounted No. of Part-time/ Whose City officers officers horses Full-time Horses Los Angeles LAPD 6,900 45 45 Part Officers Sheriff’s Dept. 6,000 deputies 26 30 2 Full Officers 1,100 reserves 24 Part Officers The Nation Atlanta 1,300 11 15 Full City** Boston 1,900 18 15 Full City** Chicago 12,000 24 27 Full City Dallas 2,000 15 **19 Full City Miami 1,000 17 15 Full City** New York 27,000 140 125 Full City** Pasadena 37 reserves 10 10 Part Officers San Francisco 1,971 15 26 Full City** Seattle 1,100 5**** 8 Full City**

Annual When City Cost* Used Los Angeles LAPD *****$33,800 Crowd control Sheriff’s Dept. ******$58,000 Crowd control The Nation Atlanta $60,000 Daily Boston $134,800 Daily Chicago $89,000 Daily Dallas $26,000 Daily Miami $30,000 Daily New York $178,000 Daily Pasadena $30,000 Crowd control San Francisco $52,000 Daily Seattle $45,000 Daily


* Excluding salaries

** Some horses donated by citizens

**** 9 in the summer

***** Includes 25 / mile for transportation, $33,800 for shoes and equipment

****** Includes 25 / mile for transportation, and $58,000 for shoes and uniforms

Researcher: Tracy Thomas
