
Controversy Over Abortions

I was disgusted to read that the bill which requires unwed minors to obtain parental consent or court approval before having an abortion was approved. Are our legislators concerned for the young woman involved? Clearly it is not in her best interest to be forced to carry a child against her will, to be forced to leave school, to have to choose between giving up her baby and premature parenthood. Are they concerned for the child--the unwanted child of a mother who is herself a child, unprepared for the financial, social and emotional responsibilities of parenthood?. The practical implications of this bill is that young girls will be forced to choose between back-alley abortions and unwanted pregnancy.

Most girls would appreciate the support of parents if it were forthcoming. However, rhetoric about “improving communication” is just a cover-up for catering to the small minority of anti-abortion extremists. This bill will prove a death sentence for the young women who will die from illegal abortions. Their blood will be on the hands of those voting for this bill and the misnamed “pro-life” movement.


Los Angeles
