
Senate Tax Revision Plan

Congress is flagellating over what is widely touted as tax-reform legislation, and it appears likely that some form of legislation will pass, given all the publicity and the blessings conferred upon the proceedings by politicians of nearly every ilk.

But will the “reforms” truly benefit the general population, especially those of limited means, or will they in reality be another demonstration of the government’s willingness to accede to the wishes of the rich and powerful, while practicing its bureaucratic maneuvers to perpetuate a tax code that largely ignores those who truly need help?

Perhaps the Congress should consider for debate the old idea of a flat tax (say, 10% of all income, however acquired) for all persons above the poverty level. But then again, this simplistic and uncomplicated approach might obviate the need for thousands of government employees whose sole function is to derive countless complex calculations that only serve to confuse us all.



