
Letters : Article on Little Brown Church

I am writing to correct both the tone and the facts contained in an article entitled “Little Brown Church Makes Big Splash as Wedding Spot” (Dec. 1).

It was stated in the article that “income from weddings is what keeps the Little Brown Church running . . . and maintains the church.” This is simply not true! We have given away over $1 million to various mission and benevolence projects in the past 45 years, and not one dollar has come from wedding money. The wedding income provides a very small part of our operational budget, which is underwritten by the contributions of our church members.

We resent the impression the article left that we are primarily a wedding chapel. We are a church with an extremely active spiritual program for all ages. We are perhaps known best for the fact that we are the church which has its doors open 24 hours a day for anyone wishing to come in and pray.


The closing statement in the article that I was “seriously thinking about starting another congregation” has no basis in fact as well.

The Times has always had my respect as one of our nation’s finest newspapers. Carelessly written articles like this certainly will not help in maintaining this attitude of respect!


North Hollywood

Keene is minister of the Little Brown Church in the Valley.
