
Beliefs of Reagan Republicans

Regarding the Marie MacDonald letter about the positions of the Reagan administration (Nov.30), may I offer the following beliefs of this Reagan Republican:

--Ronald Reagan is the most effective and honest leader of this nation in the past 50 years.

--A strong national defense is the best insurance for peace for our children.

--It’s OK to be straight.

--An expanding economy is essential in reducing the national debt and balancing the budget.

--Reasonable tax breaks for corporations benefit everyone through the eventual creation of more jobs.


--The death penalty is a strong deterrent to serious crime.

--Trudeau and Conrad both belong on the staff of Pravda

--The Communist threat in South America is real and should be dealt with by providing economic and military aid to the area.

--Fat union chiefs with insatiable appetites and demands destroyed many American industries, not foreign imports.

--Rose Bird should be impeached.

--Men and women are different.

--Welfare was meant to be a helping hand, not a handout.

--The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service is on our side.

--Busing wastes money which could otherwise be used to improve local schools.

--The police are the good guys.

--Personal sacrifice helps to insure success in college.

--Crime victims have rights too.

--The best way to reduce abortions is through the distribution of free, artificial-birth- control information (note that we Reagan Republicans don’t necessarily agree on everything).


--It’s OK to have a choice to pray in public schools.

--God still blesses America.

--The rank-and-file engineer and production worker in the defense industry is a dedicated, ingenious and hard working individual who takes pride in his daily output.


