
Comments on a Candidate’s Diary

I read with interest the “Diary of a First-Time Candidate” (Dec. 1) and note two observations by Cindy Miller, regarding which I would like to comment.

Permit me first to point out that my participation in the political process began at the age of 8 or 9 when my father was active in campaigns and . . . became a candidate for City Council. Since that time, I have licked envelopes, walked precincts, managed campaigns, served as staff in statewide efforts and participated as a candidate in local school board elections.

First, Cindy has identified something that very few people ever come to appreciate. That is, the tremendous effort and sacrifice that those in public life endure. Believe me, it is not all pep rallies and cocktail parties.


Second, it is her observation that “it’s such a silly, devious game at times. Everybody lies.” I hope that what she means is that all candidates for the Palos Verdes School Board lied. Even limited to that small field, the comment is a depressing one.

I have known some candidates to lie, just as I have known some people to cheat at cards or cheat on a test at school. To perpetuate the perception that lying is standard operating procedure in the governmental process is to do a great disservice to the public. Lying is a form of dishonesty or immorality, which should (1) create grave suspicions about a candidate who would use those tactics and (2) raise the question whether those were not tools or traits he or she would employ if elected.


Trustee, South Bay Union

High School District
