

On certain patriotic occasions contests are conducted in which students are asked to write essays demonstrating their understanding of America’s institutions and traditions. Unfortunately, such contests seem to suffer from lack of definitely stated goals and standards, which can then be used to evaluate the results.

For that reason I would like to propose an essay contest in which the scoring or evaluation will be entirely objective. Here is the standard:

The winning essay must explain the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in language so clear, so lucid, so patently explicit that even Ed Meese can understand it!

All that is needed is to gain the cooperation of Atty. Gen. Meese. He must agree to submit to an examination after reading each essay and if the test shows that he has finally grasped the meaning and intent of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, then the essayist collects a prize of $1 million!


Don’t worry about where we will find the money. The chances of finding a winner are just about zero.


San Diego
