
Showing Respect

We need a “National Thumbs Up Attitude” for our senior citizens. These people lived through the Depression and World War II and have literally had to grow up fast. Senior citizens, when they were young, accepted responsibilities and made sacrifices that today’s youth couldn’t even imagine.

The older people of today helped to preserve the freedoms we all enjoy. We need to appreciate our senior citizens and to pay them the respect they deserve. If the middle-aged and young adults can show admiration, perhaps disrespect from the youth will disappear.

Showing respect is very simple, inexpensive, and won’t take up much of your time. You could phone or write an aging relative and give a smile, “thumb up,” or nod of recognition as you approach or pass a senior citizen. There’s no logo, celebrity, or organization; it’s an attitude each of us can convey the next time we see a senior citizen.



Los Angeles
