
Anaheim : City Approves $410,000 for Historical Museum

Acting as the city’s Redevelopment Agency, the City Council on Tuesday authorized $410,000 for rehabilitation of a building proposed for the city’s first historical museum.

The Redevelopment Agency unanimously approved the $410,000 as the city’s matching share to a $300,000 state grant application for structural and electrical improvements on the vacant Carnegie Library, at Anaheim Boulevard and Broadway.

By March, the city should know if the grant application has been approved, Community Development specialist Elizabeth Chinn said. Approval would mean the $710,000 rehabilitation project may begin as early as April, she said.


Until now, Chinn said, funding has been the major problem in the project. “We’re glad to see the project moving. Now we can begin putting together all of the funding pieces and packaging the project to go out to bid.”
