
West Hollywood : Hotel Variance Approved

The City Council has approved a variance and conditional-use permit to allow the St. James’s Club to proceed with its planned restoration of the historic Sunset Plaza apartment building. The London-based company plans to open the 1931-vintage Art Deco structure as an 81-room luxury hotel that will include a restaurant and bar.

The council and the club compromised on the last major obstacle to approval, the provision of a 52-space parking lot primarily for employees near the hotel.

City officials had said they will not allow the hotel to open without a permanent off-site lot to supplement the 76 spaces in the hotel garage. But they agreed this week to allow the hotel to use a temporary lot as long as it continues to search for a permanent location. The club will be required to shuttle employees to the lot if it is more than 500 feet from the hotel.


The Sunset Towers on Sunset Boulevard east of La Cienega Boulevard was placed on the Federal Registry of Historical Landmarks in 1980.
