
Cockatoo Comes in From Cold, Finds New Home as a Jailbird

Los Angeles police in Van Nuys literally had a jailbird behind bars Monday.

A gray cockatoo, apparently seeking shelter from the chilly weather, flew at 4 p.m. through an open third-floor window at police headquarters in the 6200 block of Sylmar Avenue, Sgt. Joe Brazas said.

The bird, a member of the parrot family rarely seen except in owners’ cages, alighted on a detective’s arm and “acted like he’d found a home,” Brazas said.

Another officer, a bird enthusiast in her spare time, quickly built a makeshift cage with wire closet hangers, and the fugitive cockatoo, feathers unruffled, climbed in.


“He’s our prisoner for now, and he’s not saying a word,” Brazas said.

Police, meanwhile, are on the lookout for owners of missing cockatoos, he said.
