
On a good day, it’s 11 parking...

On a good day, it’s 11 parking attendants on Honda motorcycles against 16,000 motorists, so Anaheim Stadium parking coordinator Phil Larcus decided that a training course would give the attendants a better chance for survival.

“Although we tried to get experienced motorcyclists,” Larcus said, “none of them had any formal training on how to handle their small machines in the 16,000-space parking lot.”

The 14-hour training program, taught by Anaheim police officers, was held after one attendant went down with his motorcycle and suffered a broken collarbone. He was trying to avoid a speeding car.


Larcus, who has a parking monitor stationed atop the stadium, said the cycles are radio-equipped to enable them to reach the scene of parking congestion much faster than a car. He noted that Dodger Stadium doesn’t use motorcyclists.
