
NONFICTION - Dec. 8, 1985

THE ANTIQUES DIRECTORY: FURNITURE, edited by Judith and Martin Miller (G. K. Hall: $55). The Millers have done it again. Earlier this year we were treated to the American edition of their general price guide that they started publishing in their native England in 1979. Now they have come out with one of the most comprehensive directories of antique furniture available. This hefty tome--with matching price tag--has more than 7,000 photos, with a good portion of them in color, and features 16th-- through 20th-Century furniture. What sets this book apart from the usual antique reference guide is that it’s a very thorough visual guide making for easy identification when looking for a particular piece of furniture. What the Millers have tried to stress is that in the antique market, we should buy quality: “A good Georgian chest of drawers is a standard item in almost any sale of quality English furniture . . . as useful as the day it was made.” Since nearly all of the furniture featured has been offered for sale in the last few years it’s a true picture of price and availability in today’s antique market. We are treated to a bit of a history lesson, for included in the very useful glossary is a chart with dates and specific periods and style of furniture. This guidebook will prove particularly useful for a dealer, appraiser or avid antique shopper but a bit overwhelming for the novice collector. Hopefully we will see more of this type of easy visual reference guide. Touch wood.
