
Legacy of Her Courage

The article by Tia Gindick, “Last Months of Sandy Simon: A Film of Tears, Triumph” (July 9) was a fine example of one woman’s courage and her legacy of hospice care to those left behind.

We are grateful to The Times for offering the story of Sandy Simon in order for your readers to have a greater understanding of the support system that hospice offers.

Hospice has become synonymous with loving care and dignity for those patients and families facing life-threatening disease. We believe the last days of life are the most important to be lived as fully and comfortably as possible. Hospice recognizes dying as a normal process and hospice care neither hastens nor postpones death.


The Hospice Organization of Southern California provides a referral, educational and informational service to the public and professional sectors. We represent over 100 hospice provider programs of care from San Luis Obispo to San Diego.


Los Angeles
