
Free Advice They Missed

Re “Diaphragm Linked to Infection,” by Allan Parachini, July 12: I’ll never forget the time, 15 years ago, when I suffered repeated episodes of urinary tract infections, and I told my oh-so-experienced gynecologist that they were definitely aggravated by my diaphragm. He smiled at my foolishness, and assured me that there was no possible link between the use of the diaphragm and the infection.

The same thing occurred seven years ago, with another doctor. Of course, these doctors made me feel very silly and unsure of myself, and many women I talked to also knew that incorrect positioning or overuse or other factors related to diaphragms did, indeed, “cause” these urinary infections. Now there’s ‘new evidence’ validating this link. It’s a pity--lots of doctors out there are passing over some pretty terrific free advice.


Woodland Hills
