
Greeks Get New Foreign, Economy Ministers

From Reuters

Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou fired Economy Minister Gerasimos Arsenis on Thursday night and moved Foreign Minister Ioannis Haralambopoulos to the new post of vice president of the government.

Arsenis was replaced by Farm Minister Constantine Simitis, a moderate and widely respected university lecturer.

Haralambopolous, whose new post is expected to be largely ceremonial, was replaced as foreign minister by Karolos Papoulias, now alternate foreign minister.


Actress Melina Mercouri kept her job of culture minister, while Papandreou himself kept the post of defense minister in the new Cabinet, to be sworn in today.

Simitis’ appointment followed press speculation that the government, concerned that its generous wage policies and high public spending have pushed foreign debt too high, is about to embark on a more conservative economic course.

Total debt has nearly doubled to more than $12 billion since Papandreou first took power in 1981.
