
Market Owner Killed in Robbery

The owner of an Azusa convenience store was shot and killed during an apparent robbery attempt just after closing time, police said Saturday.

Somchai Vissessmith, 42, of Cerritos and a cousin, Vivapun Chongkasen, were carrying a briefcase containing the day’s receipts to a car when they were accosted by a gunman outside the Top Market at 503 N. Azusa Ave. at about 9 p.m. Friday, Chongkasen told police.

Vissessmith was shot while he struggled with the man. He died a short time later at Queen of the Valley Hospital in West Covina. The gunman fled without taking any property, police said. No arrests have been made.


According to a relative, Vissessmith, a native of Thailand, had operated the store for about four years. He was married and had two young children.
