
Rescue of Ethiopian Jews

Very seldom have I written a letter to the editor of a newspaper. However your two-part story (July 7 and 8), “Ethiopian Jews: Exodus of a Tribe” by your staff writer, Charles T. Powers, has so touched me that I must write this letter to thank you and Powers for the great pleasure I had in reading that article.

It was beautifully written and told a story that had to be written. As an avid reader of suspense novels, I can only say that the article surpasses most of those that I have read. Powers’ writing had in it sympathy, understanding, and compassion. He is to be congratulated on a beautiful and touching story.

As one who has had the experience, in the last 40 years, seeing human beings brutalized when I was chief of the Displaced Persons Section of a Seventh Army Military Government unit, in Germany, then later the country director for the Joint Distribution Committee in France working with refugees, and finally involved in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the community of Wilkes Barre, Pa., during the period of the great flood of 1972, I can understand and evaluate the story as written by Powers.



San Diego
