

The city in August will begin subsidizing monthly bus passes for low-income residents by buying passes from the Southern California Rapid Transit District and reselling them at a discount.

The August passes will go on sale at Alhambra City Hall on July 25. The discount will amount to half the fare increase imposed by the RTD on July 1. The subsidy will be limited to members of families with annual incomes below $9,000. City officials estimate that 5,000 households meet the income requirement.

The discounted passes will be sold for $8 to elementary and high school students, $9.50 to college students and $26 to other riders. A separate city subsidy provides monthly passes to the elderly and handicapped, without regard to income, for $4. In cities that do not subsidize fares, the RTD sells its monthly passes for $7 to the elderly and handicapped, $12 to elementary and high school students, $15 to college students and $32 to all others.
