

A public hearing on plans to control development around the proposed Beverly-Fairfax Metro Rail station has been scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Aug. 1 at the police auditorium, 150 N. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles.

Even though there are doubts that the mass transportation line will be built, a spokesman for Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky said planners have proceeded with draft versions of proposed new regulations that would go into effect even if Metro Rail is never built. The draft environmental impact report and Metro Rail Transit Corridor Specific Plan are available for review at the West Los Angeles Municipal Building, 1645 Corinth Ave.; Los Angeles City Hall, Rooms 605 and 395; Fairfax Library, 161 S. Gardner St.; John C. Fremont Library, 6121 Melrose Ave., and the Wilshire Library, 149 N. St. Andrews Place.
