
Irvine : Construction Finished on Irvine High School Track

After nearly a year of construction, Irvine High School once again has the use of its stadium track.

The first track meets of the season are scheduled in April, and members of the track team already have begun practicing, said Ron Upton, deputy superintendent of the Irvine Unified School District.

After seven years of use, the old track surface became worn, primarily from joggers who continually use only the inside lanes, he said. “If they run on the outside lanes, it has a lot longer life expectancy,” Upton said.


The new rubber-and-asphalt-based surface is similar to the old track. It has eight lanes and curbs and meets National Collegiate Athletic Assn. standards. Like its predecessor, the new surface is expected to last seven to 10 years, Upton said.

In all, the renovation by San Diego-based Palomar Grading and Paving, Inc. cost $212,000.
