
Five New State Water Projects Proposed

United Press International

President Reagan sends to Congress today a $2.3-billion budget for developing the nation’s water programs that authorizes $157 million for 75 projects in California, including five new ones.

The 1986 Army Corps of Engineers’ spending plan includes $3.9 million in non-federal money that local areas must contribute toward construction of seven projects, and $525,000 in matching funds for surveys and design.

The budget calls for an increase over the $145.2 million California was authorized to spend last year for 69 projects.


New construction authorization includes $1.3 million of federal funds and $200,000 non-federal matching funds to deepen the Sacramento River ship channel for navigation.

Flood Control Projects

Four new flood control projects would provide $4 million for Merced County streams; $1.2 million for streams in the Fairfield vicinity; $1.4 million for the San Luis Rey River, plus $300,000 local matching funds, and $500,000 for the Pajaro River.

Five projects authorized for more than $5 million in federal money include navigational work between San Francisco Bay and Stockton, $21 million; flood control in the Los Angeles County drainage area, $11.8 million; Dry Creek (Warm Springs) Lake and Channel, $14.8 million; Sweetwater River, $7.2 million, and Walnut Creek, $6 million, plus $480,000 in non-federal funds.


San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf stands to get $5 million in federal construction money for an ongoing navigational project that requires an additional $650,000 non-federal contribution.

Also budgeted for San Francisco Bay is $132,000 for navigational surveys and engineering and $520,000 for flood damage prevention.

Money for Santa Ana River

The Santa Ana River flood control project is authorized for $4 million, and another $350,000 is in the budget for flood damage prevention.


A navigational construction project in Santa Cruz Harbor is authorized to spend $2.2 million in federal money and $1.2 million from non-federal sources.

A construction project at New Melones Lake is budgeted for $1.2 million.

Several existing flood control projects on the Sacramento River are authorized to spend $7.7 million, which includes a $3.5-million river bank protection program requiring a non-federal contribution of $1 million, and work between Chico Landing and Red Bluff for $2.5 million.

Other ongoing flood control projects authorized for construction money are Lytle and Warm Creeks, $2.3 million; Corte Madera Creek, $600,000, and Wildcat and San Pablo Creeks, $100,000.

Navigational Projects

Other navigational projects budgeted for surveys, planning, engineering and design are the Oakland’s inner harbor, $380,000, and outer harbor, $155,000; Richmond Harbor, $525,000, and the Ventura Marina, $100,000. An equal matching contribution from non-federal sources is required for the Ventura project.

Engineering, planning, survey and design work are authorized in the budget for a variety of projects, including: --Antelope Valley flood damage prevention, $140,000; Cache Creek Basin flood control, $600,000; Caliente Creek streams, $140,000; Calleguas Creek flood damage prevention, $240,000; coastal storms and tidal waves, $750,000; Guadalupe River and adjacent streams, $135,000.

--Los Angeles County drainage area review flood damage prevention, $370,000; Northern California streams Dry Creek flood damage prevention, $150,000, requiring an equal local contribution.


--Redbank and Fancher Creek flood control, $700,000; San Joaquin River basin flood damage prevention, $110,000; San Luis Obispo County flood damage prevention, $255,000; Walnut Creek flood damage prevention, $185,000.

The budget also includes $55.5 million to operate and maintain numerous existing projects.

The operation and maintenance of flood control at Martis Creek Lake is listed in California’s budget, but the $277,000 authorization appears in the budget of Nevada, which shares in the project.
